发布时间:2024-12-08   浏览次数:0

主 讲 人 :石兴强    教授


地      点 :理科2号楼A308室


Since the theoretical and experimental demonstration of the quasi-bonding (QB)interactions between van der Waals (vdW) layers of two-dimensional (2D) materials, diverse effects and applications of interlayer QB in vdW homo- and heterostructures have been reported. However, for vdW heterostructures (vdWHs)composed of magnetic and nonmagnetic 2D layers, the principles of interlayer QBinteraction in these systems and their potential application remain to beelucidated. Here, firstly, the spin-dependent and multilevel interlayer QB(namely, interlayer orbital hybridization) in a H-MoSe2/H-VSe2nonmagnetic/magnetic vdWH is established, and its multifunctional propertiesfor spintronics and spin-dependent optoelectronics are revealed. Then, we showthat the interlayer-multilevel-interaction nature is helpful for providing a unifiedunderstanding to the rich electronic-structure evolutions of 2D blackphosphorus under pressure. Finally, for MoS2, we find that theinterlayer-multilevel-interaction results in the significant asymmetricenergy-splitting between interlayer bonding and antibonding states of the valence band. The above works demonstrate the orbital-resolved multilevel analysis as a powerful tool for understanding the interlayer QB interactionsand help to reveal the underlying mechanism of interlayer-engineering for multifunctional applications of 2D materials


石兴强,河北大学物理科学与技术学院教授,博士生导师。中国科学院固体物理研究所博士、香港城市大学物理及材料科学系博士后、德国不来梅大学计算材料科学研究中心Guest Scientist。长期从事低维度体系及其表面和界面的计算研究,主要包括:分子电子学/自旋电子学、二维半导体及器件,以及储能/催化等研究。已发表包括Phys. Rev. Lett.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Phys. Rev. B、J. Mater. Chem. A、Chem. Mater、New J. Phys. 等在内的SCI论文100余篇。全部论文在近5年内在他引1000多次(google scholar数据)。已经主持完成了国家自然科学基金青年基金和面上项目各一项,作为核心成员参与一项国自然重点项目。兼任国际期刊《Scientific Reports》和《Journal of Semiconductors》的编委,兼任全国材料与器件科学家智库委员、理事。