【学术报告】Hadronic tau decays within and beyond the standard model
发布时间:2024-11-15   浏览次数:0

主 讲 人 :Antonio RODRIGUEZ SANCHEZ     研究员


地      点 :理科2号楼B509


The tau is the only lepton heavy enough to decay into hadrons. These decay modes provide a unique window into the interplay of different fundamental forces at low energies. On the one hand, within the Standard Model framework, its decay occurs through the interaction of charged lepton and quark currents, which are suppressed by the heavy mass of the weak mediator, the W boson. This inherent SM suppression makes these decays sensitive to potential Beyond Standard Model (BSM) effects. On the other hand, the quark currents hadronize, producing a continuum spectrum that can be used to test strong interactions across different energy regimes. In this talk, I will review the physical implications of these decays from both perspectives.


Antonio RODRIGUEZ SANCHEZ,CIDEGENT Reseacher at IFIC of Valencia University. 2014-2018 PhD at IFIC of Valencia University (Spain), 2018-2020 Postdoc at Lund University(Sweden), 2020-2022 Postdoc at IJCLab Orsay (France), 2022-2024 SISSA Trieste (Italy), 2024-now CIDEGENT Reseacher at IFIC of Valencia University. Resesarch subjects: effective field theory and phenomenology of particle physics.