研究生 | 导师 | 论文题目 | 获奖年份及级别 |
高蕊 | 郭志辉 | Thermal behaviors of light scalar resonances at low temperatures | 2020硕士一等奖 |
孙素涛 | 安忠 | Spectral Analysis of Polaron Dynamics in Conjugated Polymers | 2020博士二等奖 |
王鸿如 | 甄聪棉 | Multiple magnetic phase transitions in NixMn1-xCo2O4 | 2020硕士二等奖 |
靳丹 | 田之雪 | Properties of RhP predicted by first-principles | 2020硕士三等奖 |
李珊 | 何敬 | Magnetic properties on Chern insulator of checkerboard lattice with topological flat band | 2020硕士三等奖 |
郭涛 | 段春贵 | Muon conversion to electron in nuclei within the BLMSSM | 2019博士一等奖 |
刘志超 | 甄聪棉 | Metal-insulator transition and novel magnetoresistance effects in amorphous carbon films | 2019硕士一等奖 |
宋立敏 | 杨振军 | Interaction theory of mirror-symmetry soliton pairs in nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation | 2019硕士一等奖 |
陈通 | 陈伟 | Improved Resistive Memory Based on ZnO-Graphene Hybrids through Redox Process of Graphene Quantum Dots | 2019硕士二等奖 |
于明娜 | 芦杰 | Engineering planar transverse domain walls in biaxial magnetic nanostrips by tailoring transverse magneticfields with uniform orientation | 2019硕士三等奖 |
王美玉 | 闫凤利 | Simultaneous qubit-loss-free fusion | 2018博士一等奖 |
李萌萌 | 马丽 | Enhanced antiferromagnetic interaction-induced spontaneous exchange bias in Mn50Ni40Sn10-xTix Heusler alloy | 2018硕士一等奖 |
冯亚丽 | 张书敏 | Wavelength tunable Q-switched fiber laser using variable attenuator based on tapered fiber | 2018硕士二等奖 |
杜亚楠 | 唐贵德 | Valence of Ti cations and its effect on magnetic properties of spinel ferrites TixM1-xFe2O4 (M= Co, Mn) | 2018硕士二等奖 |
钱佳佳 | 唐贵德 | Spin-dependent and spin-independent channels of electrical transport in perovskite manganites | 2018硕士二等奖 |
闫 丹 | 张书敏 | L-band wavelength-tunable dissipative soliton fiber laser | 2016硕士一等奖 |
郑翌洁 | 李玉现 | Suppression of Andreev conductance in a topological insulator-superconductor nanostep junction | 2016硕士二等奖 |
贾惠琳 | 谢 尊 | Atomic carbon growth on yttrium clusters: Relativistic density functional theory investigations | 2016硕士二等奖 |
韩 卿 | 张连珠 | PIC/MCC Simulation of Radio Frequency Hollow Cathode | 2016硕士三等奖 |
赵瑞斌 | 侯登录 | Anomalous magnetic configuration of Mn2NiAl ribbon and the role of hybridization in the martensitic transformation of Mn50Ni50− x Al x ribbons | 2015博士一等奖 |
杨崇立 | 李壮志 | Kondo effect in the quasiskutterudite Yb3Os4Ge13 | 2015硕士一等奖 |
刘 斌 | 邵 琅 | GRB 131231A: IMPLICATIONS OF THE GeV EMISSION | 2015硕士一等奖 |
杨 虹 | 张书敏 | 钙钛矿锰氧化物La2/3Sr1/3FexMn1−xO3的结构与磁性研究 | 2015硕士二等奖 |
王艳玲 | 魏志成 | Mean-Shift Object Tracking Using Forward-Backward Center Median and Three-Scale Information Measurement | 2015硕士三等奖 |
张敬晶 | 孙会元 | Optical and magnetic properties of porous anodic alumina/Ni nanocomposite films | 2014博士三等奖 |
吴天山 | 孙会元 | Significant room-temperature ferromagnetism in porous TiO2 thin films | 2014硕士一等奖 |
刘海艳 | 刘 德 | Spin transport and magnetoresistance in Thue-Morse graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic graphene electrodes | 2014硕士一等奖 |
王 星 | 甄聪棉 | A new hole-bridge structure based on a SiO2 nanoarray and its ferromagnetism | 2014硕士二等奖 |
张志俊 | 孙会元 | Iridescent thin films of porous anodic aluminum oxide with embeddedsilver nanowires | 2014硕士三等奖 |
吕树慧 | 李玉现 | Thermopower and conductance for a graphene p–n junction | 2013博士二等奖 |
朱春辉 | 李壮志 | Enhancing the thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co4O9 thin films by Nb ion injection | 2013硕士一等奖 |
孙湘玉 | 王长广 | Risk Assessment of the IoT Security | 2013硕士三等奖 |
夏天晴 | 张丽平 | 2012年高考(全国卷1)物理压轴题作答之探究 | 2013硕士三等奖 |
徐 芹 | 孙会元 | Synthesis and optical properties of iridescent porous anodic alumina thin films | 2012博士二等奖 |
李 冰 | 刘建军 | Donor impurity states in elliptical quantum rings subjected to a magnetic field | 2012硕士一等奖 |
梁 帅 | 张 波 | Abundance analysis of r+s stars: r-process abundance comparison between r+s stars and r-rich stars | 2012硕士一等奖 |
李星亮 | 张书敏 | Observation of Soliton Bound States in a Graphene Mode Locked Erbium Doped Fiber Laser | 2012硕士二等奖 |
刘 磊 | 刘建军 | Binding energy of ionized-donor-bound excitons in parabolic quantum-well wires in a magnetic field | 2011博士一等奖 |
顾建军 | 孙会元 | Magnetic characterization of diluted magnetic semiconductor thin films | 2011博士二等奖 |
苟秉屏 | 孔小均 | Electron-acoustic-phonon scattering in the quantum control of qubit states near the Si/SiO2 interf | 2011博士三等奖 |
王亚东 | 安 忠 | Effects of polarons on static polarizabilities and second order hyperpolarizabilities of conjugated polymers | 2011博士三等奖 |
王章乐 | 高永昌 | 2010年高考试题理综卷第26题答题情况分析 | 2011硕士一等奖 |
张 江 | 张 波 | Study of isotopic fractions and abundances of the neutron-capture elements in HD 175305 | 2010博士一等奖 |
宋丽华 | 段春贵 | Quark energy loss in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nuclei | 2010博士二等奖 |
高卫霞 | 侯登录 | Structure and magnetic properties of FexGel-x films | 2010硕士一等奖 |
郭家俊 | 陈 伟 | Effective Anisotropy in Magnetically Nd2FE14B/a-Fe Nanocomposite | 2010硕士二等奖 |
宋 瑞 | 安 忠 | 电子-晶格耦合非线性项对极化子性质的影响 | 2010硕士二等奖 |
牛雅萍 | 孟秀兰 | 新课程背景下的物理反思性学习 | 2010硕士三等奖 |