刘德,男,理学博士,副教授,金沙以诚为本赢在信誉凝聚态物理专业硕士生导师,中国力学学会会员。 研究方向: 低维量子物理,主要在半导体量子器件、类石墨烯基量子器件和磁性量子器件等介观系统中电子输运特性等方面开展研究。 研究生培养: 每年计划招收1名物理学硕士研究生。在研硕士研究生2人,已指导毕业硕士生7人。 获奖情况: 近年来,荣获金沙以诚为本赢在信誉物理科学与信息工程学院第三届和第四届魅力教师、校级优秀顶岗实习驻县管理教师、院级先进工作者、院级优秀共产党员等荣誉称号。 通信地址(邮政编码): 河北省石家庄市南二环东路20号金沙以诚为本赢在信誉物理科学与信息工程学院(050024) Email: liude@hebtu.edu.cn |
教学工作及获奖: |
先后讲授量子力学、量子力学II、理论力学、热力学统计物理和原子物理等课程; |
主持第八批精品课程《理论力学》建设项目(JPKC0835),2008-2010; |
参加(第一主讲教师)第三批精品课程《量子力学》建设项目, 2002-2005; |
参加(第一主讲教师)2008年度校级精品课程《量子力学》网站建设维护项目(XJPK0807),2008—今; |
荣获2010-2011学年本科教学质量评估优秀课程暨优秀教师荣誉称号; |
荣获2011-2012学年本科教学质量评估优秀课程暨优秀教师荣誉称号; |
荣获2013-2014学年金沙以诚为本赢在信誉本科教学质量评估优秀教师荣誉称号; |
荣获2014-2015学年金沙以诚为本赢在信誉本科教学质量优秀奖; |
荣获2015-2016学年金沙以诚为本赢在信誉本科教学质量评估优秀教师荣誉称号; |
荣获2015-2016学年金沙以诚为本赢在信誉汇华学院教学优秀奖。 |
科研课题: | |
2012.01-2014.12 | 主持河北省自然科学基金面上项目“准周期和非周期石墨烯超晶格中量子输运特性及噪声研究” (A2012205019) |
2009.01-2011.12 | 主持金沙以诚为本赢在信誉博士基金项目“纳米结构中自旋极化电子输运特性研究” (L2009B02) |
2000.12-2002.12 | 主持金沙以诚为本赢在信誉青年基金项目“分形输运动力系统中的反常扩散” (L2000q02) |
2010.01-2012.12 | 参研国家自然科学基金面上项目“原子层石墨/超导体/铁磁体混杂结构中的输运特性”(10974043) |
2007.01-2009.12 | 参研国家自然科学基金面上项目“低维量子结构中自旋电子输运理论研究” (10674040) |
2007.01-2009.12 | 参研国家教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目“低维纳米结构中自旋相关的输运特性”(20060094002) |
2007.01-2009.12 | 参研河北省自然科学基金项目“介观物理中的噪声理论”(A2007000227) |
2005.01-2007.12 | 参研河北省自然科学基金项目“纳米结构中的自旋电子特性研究”(A2005000147) |
近期发表的部分文章(*Corresponding author): | ||||
[1] | Yuanqiao Li, Hongmei Zhang, Tao Zhou, De Liu*, Spin transport and tunneling magnetoresistance in Thue-Morse bilayer graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic electrodes, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 516, 18–26, 2017 | |||
[2] | Yuanqiao Li, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Electronic transport and shot noise in a Thue–Morse bilayer graphene superlattice with interlayer potential bias, Modern Physics Letters B,30(16), 1650181[12 pages], 2016 | |||
[3] | Haiyan Liu, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Spin transport and tunnel magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic graphene/Thue-Morse graphene superlattice double junction, Physics Letters A, 379(3), 192-198, 2015 | |||
[4] | De Liu, Hongmei Zhang*, Spin conductance and tunnelling magnetoresistance in a fractal graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic graphene electrodes, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47(18), 185301[8pages], 2014 | |||
[5] | Haiyan Liu, Hongmei Zhang, De Liu*, Xiaojun Kong, Spin transport and magnetoresistance in Thue-Morse graphene superlattice with two ferromagnetic graphene electrodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 114(16), 163715[7pages], 2013 | |||
[6] | Huaping Huang, De Liu*, Hongmei Zhang, Xiaojun Kong, Electronic transport and shot noise in Thue-Morse sequence graphene superlattice, Journal of Applied Physics, 113(4), 043702[6pages], 2013 | |||
[7] | Ning Wang, De Liu*, Xiaojun Kong, Biexciton energies in concentric double quantum rings, Journal of Applied Physics, 113(5), 053714[5pages], 2013 | |||
[8] | Aili Qin, De Liu, Spin-dependent shot noise in aperiodic semiconductor multilayers heterostructures, Modern Physics Letters B, 26(30), 1250200[8 pages], 2012 | |||
[9] | Xu Baocui, Zhang Hongmei, Liu De* , Kong Xiaojun, Transverse wave-vector-dependent electron transport in terahertz quantum cascade lasers, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 16(3), 301-306, 2012 | |||
[10] | 刘德, 张红梅*, 贾秀敏, 对称抛物势阱磁性隧道结中的自旋输运及磁电阻效应, 物理学报, 60(1), 017506[7 pages], 2011 | |||
[11] | Xiaoxiao Guo, De Liu, Yuxian Li*, Conductance and shot noise in graphene superlattice, Applied Physics Letters, 98(24): 242101 [3 pages], 2011 | |||
[12] | Lilan Qin, De Liu*, Hongmei Zhang, Xiaojun Kong, Spin-dependent tunneling properties of Thue-Morse sequence in ferromagnet/semiconductor/ferromagnet cascade junctions, Journal of Applied Physics, 109(4), 043703[4 pages], 2011 | |||
[13] | De Liu*, Xiao-Jun Kong, Spin-dependent shot noise in fractal semiconductor multilayers with two ferromagnetic contacts, Journal of Applied Physics, 105(4), 043703[10 pages], 2009 | |||
[14] | De Liu*, Hong-Mei Zhang, Spin polarization and tunneling magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterostructure, Modern Physics Letters B, 22(27), 2667-2676, 2008 | |||
[15] | De Liu*, Xiao-Jun Kong, Spin-polarized electron transport in fractal semiconductor multilayers with two ferromagnetic contacts, Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), 023707[9 pages], 2008 |